Relaunch Online Marketing Directory FOLDEN.INFO

FOLDEN is a directory that exists since 1999. It was one, if not the first, themed portal for online marketing. At that time, in 1999, what was happening was manageable. This led to the idea to cover topics less or more related to online marketing as well. E.g. ecommerce, trade and entertainment could be mapped.

While ecommerce still has a strong connection with online marketing, the areas of entertainment were integrated in anticipation of the evolution of users from viewers to prosumers. In addition, the name FOLDEN also reflects part of the development, from software installed on computers to today’s open Internet with applications on demand and cloud services.

The Internet has developed rapidly. In 1999 consideration was given to what online advertising could look like („similar to postage stamps“ was the wording of an early study). Today, online advertising is traded in real time and has a wide variety of formats. Since other areas, e.g. retail and entertainment, have also developed accordingly, the relaunch will not only be a technological update, but will also focus more explicitly on online marketing in terms of content. Less focused topics have been removed from the directory.

The topics that are no longer directly contained in the FOLDEN directory are not lost, however. Some of these have become so extensive that they have led to the development of other independent websites as spin-offs. So if you previously missed topics contained in the FOLDEN directory, you can find them better prepared on those websites. The entertainment pages also always contain business applications on the respective topics. Specifically, the following topic portals have been created:

Media and entertainment:
TRAEXS – Online Music and Music Business – Film, Television and Video (german only) – Electronic Music and Services

Ecommerce and B2B Trade: – B2B Trade and Ecommerce

You can get an overview of other pages of the FOLDEN Internet Portfolio at, You can find information about my services as a freelance management consultant for online marketing and media at (german only).

I simply wish you a lot of fun or good research with and in the websites of the FOLDEN Internet Portfolio.

Frank Brauer

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