Terms of Use

When using FOLDEN.INFO, you must accept these terms of use and the Privacy Policy. These are considered recognized when used. The term FOLDEN.INFO website includes the website at FOLDEN.INFO and all elements contained therein that are not provided by third parties. In general, these are the directory as well as blogs and news feeds. FOLDEN.INFO is also present in several social networks and provides content there.

General: The FOLDEN.INFO website refers to third-party services via links. The selection of these services is based on expert knowledge. Nevertheless, the operator of the FOLDEN website assumes no responsibility for the use of the linked services by users. If a user uses, visits or participates in such a service, the respective terms of use of the individual services apply. The FOLDEN.INFO website also lists international services. In this context, it may be useful to point out that other legal regulations may exist internationally, particularly with regard to data protection.

Social Networks: FOLDEN.INFO is also present in social networks and links to its own presence. These social networks also see themselves as third-party services. Registration is usually required to use these services. If social networks are used via elements integrated in FOLDEN.INFO as a reference to one’s own presence in social networks and a user registers for such a service, the terms of use of the respective services also apply here. FOLDEN.INFO only provides content there.

Content: In some areas of the FOLDEN.INFO website and also in the presence on social networks, different types of content are offered. This content is formulated or researched with expert knowledge. However, the operator of the FOLDEN website bears no responsibility for the accuracy of the content and assumes no liability for the use of this content.

Advertising: The FOLDEN website uses services provided by third parties to integrate online advertising. Advertising can take the form of banner advertising, text advertising or affiliate links. Typically, these advertisements are obvious. However, advertising in the form of affiliate links may also occasionally be included in texts or in the directory. This only happens in places that are relevant to the content and is not specifically marked. If a user wants to explore the properties of a link, this can be done by positioning the cursor on a link. In order to calculate possible income, affiliate programs collect anonymous usage data. As in general, there is no liability on the part of the operator of the FOLDEN.INFO website when using advertised third-party services and the general conditions mentioned above apply. Further information on the handling of data in the context of advertising is available on the Privacy Policy page.

Other: The FOLDEN.INFO website is made available to users for use. This does not give users any rights to the service. Although the aim is to ensure that the service is permanently available, this cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, the operator of FOLDEN.INFO has no liability whatsoever towards the users.

The terms of use can be adjusted, e.g. due to changed legal requirements. This should not be done to the detriment of the users but solely to ensure proper usage. Since users are generally not reached personally, changes to the terms of use can be found here.

The information on liability and use of third-party services is required by German law. Information about the operator can be found in the Impressum.

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